We have a documented history of providing computer adaptive tests to EMS programs that report consistent first-attempt pass rates of up to 95% at the National Registry!
Our next generation of EMS preparatory tests are poised to carry on that legacy.
Multiple-Response Item technology coming to the Comprehensive Readiness Exams!
HOW DOES IT WORK? Computerized adaptive testing uses complex algorithms to match, or "adapt", questions of varying degrees of difficulty to the ability level of each student, in real time. Every student will have a unique testing experience based on their knowledge, abilities and skills.
As questions are administered, the difficulty level increases with each correct answer. Conversely, incorrect answers solicit easier questions. The process ends when the student consistently performs at the “level” of question difficulty equal to their ability level, producing a highly reliable score.
The most significant advantage of a CAT is its efficiency. It requires fewer questions and takes less time than a traditional test to ascertain an equally reliable score.
At the end of each Easy IC Computer-Adaptive Test, the student receives a detailed performance analysis, highlighting areas requiring further study.
GOOD NEWS! Multiple-Response Item technology is coming to the Comprehensive Readiness Exams. The best is getting better!
Students nearing course completion should be capable of thinking critically and solving higher-order thinking problems, having mastered basic knowledge, comprehension and application skills.
WHY DOES IT WORK SO WELL? These problem-solving questions in our data bank are tied directly to a specific course topic and an objective pulled from the national curriculum. Information is collected throughout the exam regarding the student’s knowledge and reasoning ability, based on how they perform.
At the end of each Easy IC Comprehensive Readiness Exam, the student receives a detailed performance analysis, and a personalized study plan highlighting areas requiring further review before continuing on to a certification or licensure exam.
THE ULTIMATE EMS STUDENT ASSESSMENT TOOL. Students must work through finely honed real-world incidents (en-route, on-scene and post-scene phases) calling upon their decision-making skills, clinical judgement, and leadership abilities.
The scenario begins with the student en-route to an incident given limited information. As it unfolds, more critical information will be revealed. The student will then be asked a series of clinical judgement questions, EMS operational questions and leadership questions that assess their problem-solving capabilities.
This test incorporates Multiple-Response Item technology that administers questions having more than one correct answer. The student must select the required number of answer options in order to advance to the next section of the scenario.
As the student moves through the test, valuable information is collected about how the student makes decisions, judgements, and leadership choices. At the end of each Easy IC Scenario-Based Assessment Test, the student receives a detailed performance analysis highlighting areas requiring improvement.
Our ever-evolving question bank contains questions validated by having been administered and analyzed over 120,000 times. We've been providing superior education and testing solutions for over 20 years.
Building upon our legacy of providing EMS programs with highly reliable computer adaptive testing, we've continued advancing that technology, incorporating it into our next generation of EMS preparatory tests.
Be 'MORE THAN PREPARED' for the NREMT or State licensure exam!
Thank you for making Easy IC your top choice in obtaining quality online education.